Wie man Haschisch zu Hause herstellt: Anleitung
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So, you’re curious about how to make hash at home? Perhaps you’re a seasoned buyer who has experienced a variety of cannabis products, and now wants to explore DIY, or a home grower with extra trim. It’s easier than you think. This guide explores various methods, from simple to advanced, for making hash at home.
Hash, or hashish, is a cannabis concentrate from the resin glands (trichomes). These trichomes hold cannabinoids like THC and CBD. They also contain terpenes, giving cannabis its aromas and flavors. Making hash involves separating trichomes and pressing them into a solid form.
This guide provides a starting point for your hash-making journey.
Dry sifting is simple, requiring minimal equipment. Use this process for making dry ice kief if you're collecting grinder kief. This process is also a key way to achieve a nice dry place when pressing hash.
Place your finest mesh screen on the flat surface, layering progressively coarser screens on top. Gently rub the cannabis against the top screen, allowing trichomes to fall through. The basic idea is to separate trichomes by size. Higher quality hash comes from successively finer screens and from the topmost bubble bag.
Collect the kief from each screen, representing different hash grades. The finer mesh yields higher-quality hash. You can press your collected kief using a pollen press or simply use hand pressing for small amounts.
Bubble hash uses ice water to freeze and separate trichomes. This guide will show you how to use frozen weed and add frozen weed for your own supply of high-quality hash. The higher the quality the ice water hash, the easier storing hash becomes, when stored properly. This will ensure a maximum yield of bone dry kief.
Freeze your cannabis. This makes trichomes brittle and easier to remove. Add ice and water to a bucket. Add your frozen cannabis to the ice water mixture, stirring for 5-10 minutes. If your freezer does not make the ice you need, you can use dry ice to get similar effects.
Pour the mixture through the bubble bags (smallest micron size at the bottom, largest on top) into the other bucket. Add ice. The mixture should flow from top to bottom. Keep doing this until you reach the bottom bag and all the ice water has been sifted through.
Once resin gathers, wash each layer with clean water to minimize contaminants. Pull out and scrape each bag, the separated resin is your hash. Spread the wet hash on 25-micron filters to dry in a well-ventilated area, or use a food dehydrator on a low setting.
In Other Words: To make bubble hash, freeze your cannabis to make trichomes brittle, then stir it in a bucket with ice and water for 5-10 minutes. Pour the mixture through layered bubble bags to separate the resin, wash each layer, and scrape out the hash. Dry the hash on 25-micron filters in a ventilated area or with a food dehydrator on a low setting.
This ancient technique involves rubbing fresh cannabis buds between your hands. Repeated rolling creates a resin build-up. Scrape the collected material off your hands, and gently squeeze and form into hash balls.
This hash can be potent, containing more plant matter and trichomes, and be careful of the body heat.
Feinmaschige Siebe (Haschischsiebe). is a quick way to make a dab at home, using heat and pressure for resin extraction.
Wrap your flower in parchment paper. Apply heat and pressure with a hair straightener or rosin press. Using smaller amounts with a hair straightener is easier and allows more control of the heat on the hash. Using too much at once, especially smaller amounts may cause loss of hash due to trapped air and lack of proper storage. The heat and pressure melt the resin, creating rosin, a sticky, golden substance.
Proper storage maintains hash potency. Silicone containers in a freezer overnight work well for proper storage.
Use airtight containers, such as glass, metal, or silicone, in a cool, dark place. This preserves terpenes and cannabinoids, giving your water hash a longer lifespan.
Making hash at home offers various methods. From hand-rolling to rosin presses, the key to pressing hash lies within the tools you use and the amount being pressed.
Experiment. Find what works. Practice makes perfect. While the first batch might not be perfect, the potency will be there. Every attempt is a learning opportunity, giving you experience making hash. Making and enjoying hash brings true satisfaction.
To make hash at home, you can use methods like dry sifting, water extraction (bubble hash), or using a pollen press. Each method involves separating the trichomes (the resin-rich part of the cannabis plant) from the plant material.
The legality of making hash depends on the country you're in. In most European countries, the production of cannabis concentrates, including hash, is illegal unless it's for medicinal use with proper licenses. Always check your local laws before proceeding.
For dry sifting, you'll need mesh screens or bags. For water extraction, you'll need ice, water, and special bags like bubble bags. A pollen press is optional for compacting your hash. Make sure you're using third-party lab tested cannabis for the best results.